Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SPORTS WRITERS WORKSHOP@ University of Maryland


Dateline Washington D.C. April 12, 2011
Journalism Class Visits the Newseum!!

21 teen-agers on the metro...

What could possibly go wrong???

Waiting at the Chinatown station for 2 of our own...
Who got stuck on the car and had to go an extra stop...
We Leave No Man (or Woman) Behind!!
Learning Center Presentation on Ethics in Media The Balcony on Pennsylvania Avenue
Has quite a view...
Where's Valerie??
Oh, there she is...
Mrs. Furnish and Mrs. Casler chaperoned Portions of the Berlin Wall...

A memory from 9-11
Then we are on our way home...

A great Field Trip to celebrate a great year of publicizing!!

7th Grade Goes to D.C.